
Showing posts from August, 2020


        For the past week, the house behind my house has had guest visitors who have been congregating in the back patio and engaging in lively conversation from 10.30 pm to 2.30 am. Their status as visitors provided them with the ignorance to avoid the neighborhood regulations to respect the quiet of the neighborhood after 10.00 pm. In addition, these guests would also smoke marijuana during the afternoons and at night. Because my house was directly in line with the backyard patio, I would receive the noise and the smoke through my open windows.     To get to my windows in the back of my house, the noise and the smoke had to travel through my backyard garden. When I look at the avocado trees, the rose bushes, the mint, the jalapeƱos, the kale, the kabocha squash, the zucchini squash, the lettuce and the tomatoes never changed. They did not become angry at the noise or the smoke. They did not try to build walls to keep out the noise and the smoke....


        As the Kale and the Kohlrabi are growing high and full, I decided to harvest some of the kale and the kohlrabi leaves. Since it was different to harvest Kale and Kohlrabi from tomatoes and zucchini, I turned to You Tube for help. I was shown that I need to pick the bottom leaves first, and then move to the middle leaves, but not to pick the top leaves as allow them to continue growing. And so I did. My first harvest was plentiful, so that I was able to share my harvest with my neighbors.     The kale is the blue green variety, which has a solid leaf growing from a spindly stem. The stem is firm and strong, and the kale leaf has a smooth feel to it. In my house, we are adding the kale to our smoothies, which is replacing spinach.     The kohlrabi is growing higher than the kale. It has a soft green complexion, consistent with cabbage, with a rubbery feel. The cabbage bulb down near the base is small, and circular.  ...


              The issue of energy is central to the life we live on planet Earth. Everything is energy, and energy influences our growth. Nature reminds us about the turning of the seasons, in which there is a time for every purpose. These seasons are measured by the power of the sun. For Akhenaten, the sun was the prime energy, where the solar disc created the rays of the sun which manifested in the energetic life force that was central to all existence. Energy is a vibrational multiform where light is both pure and diverse, so that white light reflected through a prism is energetically diffused into diverse colors, which reflects into the different colors of the various plants and vegetables.     Looking on the plants and vegetables in the morning, I see only a serene backyard garden that is growing nicely. Each plant or vegetable has followed its purpose and has used the energy of the sun to manifest its river of life. Each plant...


   The garden that is growing in my backyard has become a mirror for my own growth as a person. In setting up the bricks, containers and areas to make the area for the garden for seeds to grow, I was participating in a relationship with the seeds and the garden environment. In my co-creating, I had the purpose to grow vegetables to produce fruit and vegetables. As the radish and the chard and the zucchini squash grew, they were growing in love. For these plants and vegetables knew that what is created with love lasts, shines and inspires.  In watching these radish, chard and zucchini grow, I saw their purpose was to create their form, in the shape of leaves and fruits and flowers, and I beheld their creativity and their vision in union with the universe.     As I saw, I felt.  As a gardener, I was inspired by the beauty of radish, chard and zucchini to grow and display their color and form. In doing this, they were showing their love for the universe b...